Monday, December 10, 2012

When Did I Start Being A Bookworm?

Since I was a kid I love reading books already, my mom told me that no one taught me how to read, it's just that one day she heard me reading something it was the "See Oh See" book I don't know if other countries knows that book. Then that was the first time my mom heard me reading, since then, I started reading fairy tale books, mom bought me a big fairy tale book it was big, thick and heavy but I don't care I still want to read every story.

When I became a teenager I tried to read the books that my dad brought home, I even read Reader's Digest and National Geographic (I know they're not books it's a magazine right?). The sad part was I got bored because of the stories are not interesting. For me it was a very serious one and it made me so sleepy. That's why I stop reading.

Then late 2010, I found interesting books, a friend of mine let me borrow her books, I started reading the Maximum Ride Series by James Patterson I got very addicted and I can't stop myself. When I finished reading everything she let me borrow her books again, the next one was the Percy Jackson series like from the first time I got addicted. Everything started there again, I got addicted to books and December 2011 I told myself that I will start collecting books starting January 2012 then it happened.

Until now I am addicted to books, my favorite genre is Fiction, Young Adult and a little Romance (it depends on the story), but I like the Nicholas Sparks Collection and Cecilia Ahern collection.

So that's it, maybe I was really born to be a bookworm, I will continue doing this hobby until I get old.

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