Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Book Review: Messenger of Fear by Michael Grant

Title: Messenger of Fear
Author: Michael Grant
Publisher: Katherine Tegen Books
Published: September 23, 2014

I remembered my name – Mara. But, standing in that ghostly place, faced with the solemn young man in the black coat with silver skulls for buttons, I could recall nothing else about myself.

And then the games began.

The Messenger sees the darkness in young hearts, and the damage it inflicts upon the world. If they go unpunished, he offers the wicked a game. Win, and they can go free. Lose, and they will live out their greatest fear. 

But what does any of this have to do with Mara? She is about to find out . . .

I don't know exactly what to say about this book. It is mind twisting, exciting and cruel kind book. Cruel not in a bad way though, just that the scenes are like hellish, the way they punish the wicked people. Seriously I have to think other things after I read those awful scenes because my imagination is running but to be honest it makes the story alive. It makes the book more interesting and it is the reason why I had a hard time putting it down. It is also the reason why the book is exciting to read. It is mind twisting but it will give you hints while you are reading. The book itself is like a big puzzle that you have to solve at the end.  The twist of the story is a heart stopping one for me even though it gave me hints and I solved the jigsaw puzzle, still it gave me goosebumps. And I was like, "OMG! I knew it!" 

I like how the book was written, it has some kind of a poetic way too, the rhymes the repeated words, are really cool. Like I said above, the twists of the story are awesome too. The book will lead your attention to something else but in the end you'll find out how the small story connects to the bigger one. It was pretty cool. There was no romance aside from the couple in the story but that's not the focus. I like how the author direct and redirect the life of each person, to realize how things should be corrected and it was telling us that life should a balance. You'll learn from the book not just you read it and enjoyed it. 

Well.. I just got sad a bit, because it is a cliffhanger!!! I want the second book if there is any... please let there be a second book?! Tell me there is please? One more thing I love the cover! It is really pretty and attracting, makes me "wow". The book is awesome inside and out.

I recommend this book to everyone. Just be ready for what you are about to read and I hope you love it as much as I do. *applause* to the author.

My Rating

Okay, trying this again. Goodreads lost the bio I just spent 30 minutes writing. So now it's just going to be incoherent rambling. Yes, the earlier draft was also incoherent rambling, but way better. 

I'm the co-author or author of about 160 books, including the ANIMORPHS series, the GONE series, the BZRK series, the MAGNIFICENT 12 series (Mommy, make him stop saying series!), the MESSENGER OF FEAR series, and soon (well, eventually) the SOLDIER GIRL series.

The best way to reach me is at Twitter @MichaelGrantBks. I'll be honest: I keep forgetting there's mail here. Here's the thing: I don't have an assistant or a staff. I would, but then I'd have to hire someone and train someone and give them stuff to do, and relate to them as a human being, possibly even care about them. I'm exhausted just thinking about it. 

But if my handle is in the Tweet, I read it. And once or twice a week I go on at random times to chat with fans. I love my fans, but it's either be honest with you and be my actual self on Twitter, or fob you off on some assistant, and how would that be better? I already have my father-in-law handling email from my ancient website. I'd rather be harder to write to but really be me, and really talk to you, if that makes sense. 

Honestly, if it was up to me and I had the time we could all just hang out at random Starbucks. Or if you're over 21, a pleasant cocktail lounge perhaps. At some point there would be ice cream. There must always, at some point in the day, be ice cream. 

I also have a personal Facebook page at AuthorMichaelGrant, but that's limited to 5000 friends and apparently I actually have that many. Who knew? But I leave it public so if I have something to say I'll do it there. 

I hope you'll give my books a try. If you don't like one, that's cool, I don't like every book I read, either. But maybe give them a try. People seem to like them. 

Now, my publishers want me to sell you on my stuff, so I'll do two brags: 1) Everything I write is like nothing you've ever read before in young adult literature. I don't copy, I don't imitate, I don't clone. 2) I know how to end a series. 

And that's my advertisement. Thank you. 

Source: Goodreads.com

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