Book Title: Target Earth Author
Name: Mary Louise Davie
Genre: Science Fiction /Fantasy
Hosted by: Ultimate Fantasy Book Tours
It’s a new day on Earth in the twenty-third century, and an awestruck public is witnessing the stunning arrival of what looks like a lunar lander in Washington, D.C. Called in for their scientific and linguistic expertise, husband and wife team Danny and Chris Marama wait eagerly to meet the alien visitors, whose spacecraft now rests in the American president’s Rose Garden. When two space-suited beings emerge, they surprise exo-linguist Danny by speaking English, among other languages, as they disclose their agenda: to explore Earth’s technology and return to their home planet with it.
Accompanying them is a prestigious assignment Danny is only too happy to take on. What she doesn’t discover until later is their secret agenda, much more sinister and life-changing for Danny, Chris, and the entire human race. And both Danny and Chris must choose: loyalty to Earth, whose leaders may be targeting their own people for death, or to the alien race—and life.
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Author Bio: Born in rural Scotch Plains New Jersey (or at least it was - progress?) Now in very rural West Milford NJ (Bears and all!) A background as a chemist, then in Information Technology, with an English Teacher for a mother and a musician for a father - all the ingredients necessary for a Hard Science Fiction writer. Visit her at:
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