Friday, August 23, 2019

Book Review: The Many Adventures of Peter and Fi Volume I: Homecoming by Kelvyn Fernandes


Follow Peter and Fi as they work together, each searching for something uniquely special to them through the four kingdoms of their known world. It’s a tale of fantastical beasts, peculiar characters, remarkable settings, and a unique brand of biochemistry-based magic. A story that focuses on meaningful character interactions, delicate world building, and intense action battles.

She emerged within a dark sea of green, shielding her eyes against the crescent moon’s pale blaze. The twinkling stars hummed softly, discordant against the chattering birds below. The lush leaves rippled in the breeze, tempting Fi to dip her toes in for a swim. The wind blew at her back and she turned east to face it. The fresh air carried the salty spray of the Shimmering Sea. Although she could not see it, she knew it was right there. Her ears caught the distant waves crashing against the shore. One last step. She thought.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book in exchange of an honest review. No payments made between me and the publisher.

First of all I want to thank for this copy of The Many Adventures of Peter and Fi. I viewed this book and immediately got excited because of it's cover that looks anime-like. I do watch anime too so I'm a big fan. I was amazed and fell in love at the book cover right away. 

As I read this book, I experienced mixed emotions, I enjoyed some parts of it and I enjoyed it when Peter is using his bubble magic. I was thinking he's some kind of a big guy making bubbles (just kidding). Anyways, I think he's a cool guy with amazing type of magic (I haven't heard that type yet, even on games since I always choose mage as my character), but his character is some kind of a person who has lots of secrets and I'm so interested to know. Meanwhile, Fi, I imagine her as that cute little kid on anime but with amazing powers! She intrigued me and it was awesome to know where she was really from. Despite the enjoyment with the characters, I honestly had a hard time to finish this book aside from my busy schedule. There were down moments, I was confused on the sudden change of point of view. It was like, one moment, I'm reading Fi's then after a few sentence it's already a different person without realizing it right away. I'm the person who can be distracted easily so this type of book will get me lost midway. One more observation, I do think this book must have illustrations especially when Peter or Fi is showing their magic. It will be a manga type but a novel. The book itself it awesome and lovely already don't get me wrong but I do think, it will really be amazing if there's additional beauty in it.

I'm excited for Volume II. I think there would be more adventures and surprises. I also wonder what are the other magic does Peter and Fi have. I know there's something else besides from what they know now. Also, I would love to know more about Peter on this Volume II.

I am so glad that I'm able to make a review on this, so, thank you so much for the copy as I said above.  I haven't read a book like this before, I meant, I've read about magic and all but this one is really cute!

My Ratings

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